Paying it forward
We’ve made 2018 our year to shine by finding new ways to give back to the wider community.
At the start of the year we set out on a mission of transformation at Sense, giving ourselves a few goals to reinvigorate the office and bring about some exciting change in all areas of the agency. Along with some big wish list items, we wanted to increase focus on our environmental impact and get involved with our local area.
Our makeover – for all intents and purposes – has come along nicely. But the most immediate benefits have come from our improvements in environmental sustainability and social responsibility. These aren’t just buzzwords: our whole team put their heads together and came up with some awesome initiatives we could all get involved in.
Real social media
A serious perk of working at Sense is without a doubt our social events, all of which tend to involve scrumptious food! (Was that almost a poem??) At lunchtime during the winter months we put on a weekly soup day for our team. It’s a hearty and delicious affair that gets us all in the kitchen to eat and enjoy each other’s company. It’s as wholesome as it sounds.
This year, we thought it would be nice to use our soup for the greater good and added a fundraising element by way of gold coin donation. Supporting a local endeavour was key, so after a quick Sense survey of our options, we decided to put our efforts behind The Social Studio. That’s them in the featured image, in a great shot by Lisa Minogue of Liberation Images.
Based just down the road in Collingwood, this not-for-profit organisation is a fashion school, clothing label, retail shop, digital textile print studio, clothing manufacturer and community space created through the style and skills of young people from new migrant and refugee communities. It was tough deciding on a group to support, but the education and social support programs run by The Social Studio really appealed to us, and we’re very pleased to be donating our fundraising efforts to their cause.
Good to the last bite
Our Sensorians are also enjoying the fruits of another community-minded change to the office – by way of fresh produce delivery! For the last few months, we’ve been getting a fresh fruit box dropped off at our door by The Community Grocer, the arrival of which is highly anticipated every week. They’re a local organisation with various market locations across Melbourne, who also offer a fresh produce subscription service. The initiative aims to reduce food waste, which in turn helps the market keep prices low. This allows them to achieve their main mission: cultivating healthy and connected communities, by ensuring every Victorian has access to affordable fresh produce.
Making A+ change
As an agency we’ve also signed up to the Red Cross’s Red25 program. Put forward by one savvy member of our team, this initiative encourages workplaces and groups around Australia to come together and save lives through blood donation. Participants work toward ensuring that 25% of Australia’s blood donations are secured. Taking part is of course optional, and staff can choose to go on their own or in a group. So far, we’ve had a handful of people donate. Their blood has already been hard at work saving lives across Melbourne, South Australia and regional Victoria. Also, trust us when we say that the party pie you receive at the end is an added and amazingly delicious bonus.
Be the change you want to see
Corporate social responsibility isn’t just about self-regulation. It’s about encouraging a business to have a positive impact through its activities on the environment, employees and communities. This is something all businesses strive to achieve, but it takes work and constant reimagining. There’s definitely no lack of imagination here at Sense, and we’re excited to discover more ways we can give back in the future. Perhaps we could even help you realise your goals? Drop us a line and let’s talk about some world-changing stuff!
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